Independence Day in Israel
Today being Israel's 60th independence day (a public holiday) I went with a friend and his family to the beach near Ashkelon, a town south of Tel Aviv.
There were people, music and barbecues everywhere, reminiscent to the families in Oz going to the camping grounds for the long weekend. Although the smell of barbecued flesh got me mightily hungry I had to contend myself with... cheese bagels and carrots.
At least I got to see Israel's mighty and noble airforce. I managed to get some pics of the helicopters but not the jets. Ashkelon is, ironically and sadly, right above Gaza. Wonder whether the jets had a pay load for Gaza? To give you a sense of the irony, just imagine watching an airshow in Sydney of planes you know routinely bomb Cronulla.
interesting lines in the first two photos, especially in the second (though framing could've been marginally tighter in both). not sure if you know what i mean -- was it intentional?
Kinda intentional for the second, didn't even notice how crooked the first photo was until you mentioned it!
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