Sunday, March 16, 2008

Rudd Government's Israel bias

The truth is there is no real debate in this country about the travesty of what is happening in the Middle East, and there are those in the community who, with their money and influence, do all they can to ensure no such open debate occurs, either in the national Parliament, in the media or anywhere else.

Alan Ramsey on the Rudd Government's gratutious celebration of Israel.


At 3:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear House Negro

You do a very poor job cleaning
because you spend your time on matters that don't concern you.

Israel's birthday is not your business nor whether the govt chooses to celebrate it.

What you really moan about is that no one is paying attention to your demands that you hog the whole debate. As a matter of fact, Moslems don't like a real debate, just a monologue where no one else has a chance to say anything. That is labelled "undue influence" by Israel, Jews, anti Moslems and vegetarians :)

emanuel appel

At 12:03 AM, Blogger Iqbal Khaldun said...


If you think this website somehow constitutes 'hogging the debate' you must be living in a cave. Or perhaps you just a properly indoctrinated Zionist.

When Israel is armed to teeth, including with nukes, facilitates tension, war and unrest in the most volatile region of the world. And when it gets the unfettered and unequivocal support of the world's most powerful nations, then it IS my business and the business of everyone interested in justice to highlight its crimes.



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