Saturday, November 10, 2007

Write to your government about Pakistan

Here's a pro forma letter from the UK branch of Tehrik-e-Insaaf (Imran Khan's political party in Pakistan). Although it only mentions writing to US and UK government officials it can be used for any government that has a significant relationship with Pakistan.

AoA,A fellow member of this group has made a valid request to email out all the members. So through myself he is passing on this message to everyone. As Pakistanis living abroad this can be our way of putting the pressure on the 'power' that be in Pakistan.

Please write to/fax/phone Nancy Pelosi etc if you're a US citizen and write to/fax/phone David Miliband if you're British. Urge them to tie aid with the condition that Pakistan's judiciary and media not be held hostage by the recipient government. These institutions are far more important to Pakistan's future as a democratic state, and to the war against terror, than any short-term elections.

Below is a sample letter that you can use.

The Rt Hon David Miliband
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
Ede House 143 Westoe Road
South Shields NE33 3PD
(0191) 456 8910

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
US House of Representatives
235 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-0508 202 225 4965

Re: Aid must be conditional - Pakistan's judiciary and media must not be held hostage

Dear Madam Speaker,

If the US government is committed to promoting democracy in the Middle East region, why does it continue to support a dictator in Pakistan? General Musharraf is stifling organic democratic movements. His government is launching attacks on the freedom of Pakistan's nascent television media and a judiciary that is finally showing a commitment to the rule of law and the Pakistani constitution.

General Musharraf, some argue, is a key ally in fighting terror. This could not be further from the truth. No war on terror will be won by a government that disrespects the constitution, undermines the rule of law and grants amnesty whimsically to kleptocrats in a feeble attempt to win support of a people who rightfully regard it to be their enemy.

Fearing an unfavourable ruling from the Pakistani Supreme Court on the legality of his 're-election' last month, General Musharraf declared 'emergency rule' and suspended the constitution. He says his actions are in the interests of fighting terrorism and yet he has had hundreds of journalists, judges, lawyers and peaceful activists arrested.

I encourage you to review the policy of supporting a dictator who undermines democratic institutions. If aid is to be sent to Pakistan for its contribution to the war against terror, tie it with the condition that Pakistan's media and judiciary not be held hostage. Judges sacked by Musharraf's government must be reinstated. Until Pakistan has an independent judiciary and a vibrant media, Pakistan will not be able to develop legitimately elected accountable, honest and trusted politicians it needs to effectively address terrorism.

Yours sincerely,


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