Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Right wing blogs

Now and then I surf onto right wing blogs. I tend to look for blogs that are so absurd they'll make me laugh, but not so crude that they'll make me angry. I won't mention any names because frankly they're all a waste of time. But when I occasionally find what I'm looking for I'm usually dismayed by the fact that you have to register to post comments.

For example, there was this one post I read on a popular Australian right wing blog. It said because it's been raining so much in Sydney recently this whole global warming thing must be a big hoax. I wanted to post a short comment noting that global warming doesn't mean every part of the planet will get warmer or drier. Weather systems are complex and, in fact, some regions of the globe are expected to get cooler not warmer because of changes in ocean temperatures. Imagine my 'surprise' when I noticed that you had to register a whole range of details before you posted your comment.

Gotta love virtual fascism!


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