Monday, January 08, 2007

Target Iran?

And with the new year come new claims that Israel is considering the use of nuclear weapons on Iran. Israeli authorities have been quick to dismiss these reports, but this does not mean these reports are incorrect. Here's why I think that is the case. In the original report carried by The Sunday Times, there is buried in the middle of the report, this revealing statement:

the nuclear-tipped bunker-busters would be used only if a conventional attack was ruled out and if the United States declined to intervene, senior sources said.

This suggests that plans for a conventional attack, likely with American support if not direct involvement, are also being prepared. It is worth noting that even if Israel (or the US for that matter) does not attack Iran, the mere threat will give Iran greater incentive to go nuclear and to generally militarise. To do otherwise would be geopolitical suicide from Iran's perspective. This unmistakable chain of logic is the key element that is completely ignored by American and European Union representatives and the mainstream media too.

As far as I'm aware, condemnation of Iran for allegedly trying to go nuclear, which has culminated recently in the slapping of UN sanctions, have not been balanced by any condemnation of Israel, which has for some time now been openly considering an attack on Iran and which possesses hundreds of nuclear weapons. Such a glaring double-standard may be lost on some, but not all.


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