Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Danna's demographic problem

According to Liberal Government backbencher Dana Vale, Australians are exposing themselves to Muslim takeover of the continent on account of 'rabid' abortion rates.

It's somewhat comforting to hear a Member of Parliament so blatantly expose her racist, ignorant views. It's good to see that there is wholesale condemnation of Vale's comments. But it is also worth noting that Vale's comments are probably mirroed by a sizeable minority of the Australian population.

Vale's comments were spurred on by debate in Parliament this week on an abortion pill, RU486. It has to be said at the outset that the debate on the pill is a refreshing, albeit rare, example of our democratic process. The issue is whether the Health Minister should approve RU486pill or whether the decision should be made by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). The Senate voted overwhelmingly to give the power to the TGA. The next step is a vote in the lower house of Parliament (the House of Representatives).

Here's hoping this man no longer holds the keys to the draws that hold the pills.


At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's somewhat comforting to hear a Member of Parliament so blatantly expose her racist, ignorant views.

Indeed it is. It made me smile.

Singapore had similar concerns two decades back. Nothing a bit of social engineering didn't fix.

But yeah... makes me want to scream.

At 2:11 PM, Blogger thabet said...

So on the one hand Muslims are criticised for being too "conservative" towards sex and sexuality. But at the same time they're being critisied for fucking (and breeding) like rabbits?


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