Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Israel is not a canary

On October 6th President Bush offered his latest vindication for the invasion of Iraq. The war in Iraq, he explained to the American people, was not unlike the war against communism and was being fought to forestall the emergence of a global caliphate stretching from Spain to Indonesia.

Those with a vested interest in the war's continuation understood that the president's new line represents another attempt to rally a disillusioned public behind the war and thus requires their full ideological support. It should come as little surprise, therefore, that on the October 10th edition of this program, Ted Lapkin of the Australia-Israel and Jewish Affairs Council added his own flourish to President Bush's narrative by warning that those fighting to create the emerging caliphate, had an ally among "post-modernist elites" in Australia who were sapping "our confidence in the rightness of our cause and will to fight".

Read the full transcript or listen to the audio here.


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