Friday, July 08, 2005

Visa, at last!

Chen Yonglin, the Chinese diplomat who sought Asylum in Australia in May this year, has been granted a permanent protection visa in what appears record time. This despite Government protestations that Chen’s application for asylum would be processed like any other. After all, it took him 6 weeks to obtain something that many others either are refused or wait far longer to obtain. As his lawyer, who also happens to be coordinator of the excellent Refugee Advice and Casework Service, explained to The Age:

It is unusual that a protection visa would be granted as quickly as this but I'm not surprised it was, given the complexity and the public nature of the case.

Clearly, the Australian Government wilted under the public pressure. Do not doubt it, public advocacy can work.

What was China’s response? China’s Ambassador to Australia is reported as saying Chen is motivated by greed and a yearning for a better life. Can’t fault the latter explanation.

Welcome to Australia friend.


At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe because the immigration dept f**ked up by approaching the chinese authorities after chen approached them?

At 1:24 AM, Blogger Iqbal Khaldun said...

That's almost certainly why. Plus another thing. The Australian Government doesn't give a rat's about Chen's safety. Their foremost concern is not disturbing trade with China. The fact that Australia hasn't even commented on Chen's claim that there are 1000 Chinese spies in Australia is astonishing, and belies the real value of 'national security'. So long as the Government can make political mileage out of national security (eg Al Qaeda or Jamayah Islamia), then there's a huge hoopla. When there's money to be made, it won't worry too much if some of its residents are being harassed by outsiders.

The public exposure is what saved Chen.


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