Monday, July 11, 2005

The Dampier Salt salt mound

The Dampier Salt salt mound is one of the major tourist attractions in Port Hedland. Nestled elegantly amongst the low lying shrubs of the greater Pilbara and the slag infested coastal waters of the port region, it is a testament to man's ability to compile copious amounts of homogenous material. As a testament to man's obsession with phallic objects, however, it is rather less impressive.

Overlooking the mound is a romantic lookout post (complete with a 'tourist lookout' sign). This is where I took the photo. No doubt the spot is a popular site for young lovers to unfurl their youthful passions. Sadly, all I had with me at the time was my trusted mountain bike. Oh what a mighty frame it has!


At 1:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if it was a mound of sugar it would be just like the simpsons! (when homer had a mound of sugar and then the bees came and ate it all hahahaa)

At 3:40 AM, Blogger Iqbal Khaldun said...

I can just imagine Homer jumping onto the huge mound thinking it was sugar only to get a rude shock!

Apparently the company loses a lot of money whenever it rains. I wonder what happens when all that salt leeches into the ground. Can't be good.


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